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Video record of my travel footprint

The videos will keep upload time to time. You can''t find the videos by searching, just live with it! Lol

Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Denmark, Canada, Ireland.

Youtube Channel:

A piece of world, 沙發客來上課 😲S2ep1|PT life 當流浪已成生活

A piece of world, 沙發客來上課 😲S2ep1|PT life 當流浪已成生活

全新第二季,沙發客來上課。 這是空屋筆記-免費的自由的粉專主所建立的一個計畫。而我有幸的參與了這個計畫。所以第二季就會簡單的介紹我去 #斯洛伐克 小學跟學生分享的一些過程以及我覺得跟台灣學校不同的地方喔。 "A piece of world" this project is not official project. When you have to bring it to the school might not be so easy due to some privacy issues and some paperwork. So, I am so glad that I have this chance during this covid situation. #slovakia #PT life 當流浪已成生活 ================== Some more information: →空屋筆記-免費的自由FB: →A piece of world FB: → #沙發客來上課 Culture diving Taiwan: →沙發客來上課網站: ══════════════════════════════ 任何合作邀約請洽粉專並追蹤我 Follow Me : ★Facebook粉絲專頁: ★Instagram: peyton.chen0126 ★粉專同名IG: ptlife_life ★Blog: ★Blog2號: ★旅型電子書: ══════════════════════════════
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